Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Hidden, But Great Missionary Tool

Here is a quick and easy tip for sharing the gospel.

About 10 years ago we started an effort in our ward to ask our non-member friends for some key information on their grandparents or great-grandparents.

By getting birth/death dates or marriage dates, we went online and got a quick four generation outline done and presented it to them. You have probably seen many times where the First Presidency will do this with the U.S. President or visiting foreign dignitaries. Anyone who ever received this information was almost immediately humbled by the gift.

We would invite them to the Family History Center where they would meet the full-time missionaries and were given a brief discussion on family history work and a tour of the ward building.

As you work on strengthening the alliance between the missionaries, leaders, and members, the promised blessings will come. This one idea will bring more ward members in contact with both temple and missionary work. How would you like a stronger spirit of both Elijah and missionary work in your ward? This is a great way to get started!