Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Hidden, But Great Missionary Tool

Here is a quick and easy tip for sharing the gospel.

About 10 years ago we started an effort in our ward to ask our non-member friends for some key information on their grandparents or great-grandparents.

By getting birth/death dates or marriage dates, we went online and got a quick four generation outline done and presented it to them. You have probably seen many times where the First Presidency will do this with the U.S. President or visiting foreign dignitaries. Anyone who ever received this information was almost immediately humbled by the gift.

We would invite them to the Family History Center where they would meet the full-time missionaries and were given a brief discussion on family history work and a tour of the ward building.

As you work on strengthening the alliance between the missionaries, leaders, and members, the promised blessings will come. This one idea will bring more ward members in contact with both temple and missionary work. How would you like a stronger spirit of both Elijah and missionary work in your ward? This is a great way to get started!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Return & Report


I have the wonderful opportunity each month to meet with the Full-Time Mission President, the St Pete Zone Leaders, and our Stake Presidency to review our stake's progress. The ZL's give us a report that outlines some key performance areas. I would like to give you a brief overview of the areas that discussed and some of my observations.

Confirmation Goal & Actual for the month....we are ahead of goal year-to-date
FTM monthly meeting with Bishop....2 out of 7 for April
Name of Ward Mission Leader....6 out of 7
Weekly meetings with WML.....5 out of 7
FTM in PEC/Ward Council....7 out of 7
Is Ward Coord Mtg/Huddles held.....4 out of 7
# of member referrals....12 for the stake in April
# church tours.....34 for the stake in April
# of ward missionaries.....20 in the stake
Fellowshipping....7 out of 7
Ward Area Book.....4 out of 7

I am certain that we are ahead of our ytd goal for confirmations because of the hard work all of you are putting in with the full-time missionaries and the ward members. I am also certain that as we become more focused on the key areas above, the Lord will pour out even more blessings. I still haven't received any copies of ward mission plans or ward area books. It is vital to success in missionary work that we do OUR part. I would encourage you to look at each area above and do a quick self-evaluation on how you are doing.

I would be glad to come to one of your coordination meetings. I would also be glad to conduct any training on the above areas if you would like some ideas on how you can improve.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Priesthood Power Will Strength The Alliance!


I want to share with you a success story that is very exciting. I have seen this story happen three times in my years of serving in the missionary effort of the Church. The first time was when a small branch in Georgia drew on the power of the Priesthood to lead an entire stake in convert baptisms in a year. The second time was a ward in the Atlanta area that caught the vision of this same power. Now for the most recent experience.

In our own stake we have a "Proclaim The Gospel" committee that is doing amazing things. This committee is in the Hudson Ward and is lead by a pair of men who have caught the vision of using priesthood committees to build the Kingdom of God. Jay Egg & Jerry Pickeral have organized a committee that is really working.

They meet on the first Sunday of every month, and then they also meet once a month with the full-time missionaries and the ward mission leader. They have developed a very strong Ward Area Book and have great follow-up processes in place that are bringing them much success. In the previous edition of this blog, I asked everyone to please send me a copy of your Ward Area Book. I would renew that request now since no one responded.

I would encourage you to reach out to Brother Egg or Brother Pickeral and get some ideas on how they are making progress with their committee work. If you have a great success story, please send it to me so I can share it with everyone in the stake. We have a wonderful opportunity right now, let's strengthen our Alliance with each other and with the members in our wards. I testify that this will happen when we start to use the power that comes from highly functioning priesthood committees.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Instruments in the Hands of God

I apologize for not publishing a blog last week, I was having problems accessing my account so that I could post a message. I have figured out the problem, and now on with the show!!!

I have heard President Emery quote Alma 26:2-3 a number od times recently, and that always gets my attention when our leaders return to a theme frequently. I guess it is because I can sometimes be a slow learner. Here is the scripture:

And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell?

Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.

As I have pondered on this scripture, I have been impressed to feel a great blessing that we are able to serve as missionaries when the eye of the Lord is one our area.

In a recent meeting with President Colton, he shared a copy of a sample Ward Area Book. I will send the Excel document out to you. I would like to ask that you send me a copy of your WAB every week. The Ward Area Book is part of a program that was introduced by Elder L. Tom Perry.

I have a testimony of this program and know that your WAB will strengthen the alliance your are developing with the full-time missionaries and the ward members.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Key To Success In Missionary Work

The Preach My Gospel manual has some outstanding suggestions for creating a Ward Mission Plan. I have found in my years of serving as a ward mission leader that my ability to stay focused on the things that mattered most were greatly enhanced by using the ward mission plan in all the meetings I conducted or attended. I believe it is the key to success in every ward. I would encourage you to read over these suggestions from the manual and review the sample plan below, then post your ward mission plan on this site for all to see.

Many wards have found that developing a ward mission plan promotes ward missionary
work. Such a plan may include goals, initiatives, and activities to help ward members
invite people to hear the gospel. Individuals and families also benefit from developing
such a plan to guide their missionary efforts.

Members should use every honorable means to find people who are willing to listen
to the message of the Restoration. They should emphasize finding fathers, mothers, and
children who will come into the Church as families. Following are some suggestions to
consider in developing a mission plan.

• Pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of specific people to hear the gospel. Pray
also to be sensitive to those whom He is preparing (see Alma 6:6). “It will be a great
day,” taught President Gordon B. Hinckley, “when our people not only pray for the
missionaries throughout the world, but ask the Lord to help them to assist the
missionaries who are laboring in their own ward” (“Missionary Service,” First Worldwide
Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 2003, 19).

• Be aware of opportunities to reach out to others. Be neighborly and reach out in love to
all people.

• Ask friends and neighbors to serve alongside members in such things as providing
community service, providing meals to those in need, teaching miniclasses in Relief
Society enrichment meetings, helping with ward activities, helping people move,
working in Scouting, and helping with family history or welfare projects.

• Invite nonmember relatives, friends, and neighbors to baptisms, confirmations, and
priesthood ordinations.

• Invite nonmembers to assist in special events, such as a breakfast on a national holiday.

• Make ward meetings, activities, firesides, and open houses of such quality and interest
that members feel eager to invite acquaintances to attend.

• Invite people to family home evenings.

• Visit people who are experiencing changes in their lives, such as marriages, births, or

• Visit and help people who are moving into the neighborhood. Share information about
the community, neighborhood, and the Church.

• Take every opportunity to talk about the gospel. Discuss such topics as the Savior, the
Book of Mormon, the Bible, the purpose of life, the family, and family history.

• Encourage youth to befriend other youth and invite them to Church meetings and

• Work with part-member families.

• Plan spiritually uplifting sacrament meetings.

Sample Ward Mission Plan
"Missionary work - the preaching of the Gospel - has been the major activity
of the true church of Christ whenever the gospel has been upon the earth."
Ezra Taft Benson

Vision Statement – By successfully implementing the "Friendship First Program" we will more effectively share the gospel by inspiring each member to friendship their neighbors and the investigators the full-time missionaries find. This will result in the achievement of our goal to baptize 24 people in 2010.

Member - Missionary Involvement Plan
"There is no joy that can compare with that of a missionary who
has been made the instrument for the salvation of a soul."
Orson F. Whitney

1. Teaching and Finding
"After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel."
Joseph Smith
a. The Ward Mission Group (FTM, WML & WM's) will be trained using the "Preach My Gospel" manual. After training, the group will be involved in finding & teaching investigators and working with the Ward Council to get referrals who can be taught by the group.
b. The WMG will work out an individualized plan with each family that helps them friendship their neighbors as a source for future referrals. A Member Missionary Class will be help twice a year.
c. As success stories arise, those having success (members, missionaries, etc.) will be asked to share their experiences in an appropriate setting (quorum, Priesthood opening exercises, Sacrament meeting, etc.)
d. Minister to Less Active and Part Member Families
(1) EQ/HP/RS to identify 5 families weekly to visit by WMG. (focus on families, including prospective elders and less active youth)
(2) Member involvement program to track 1 missionary experience per quarter per active family in the ward.
(3) Each Sunday track member involvement & review WMP in Missionary Coordination Meeting.

2. Friendship First Program
"Every missionary and every member of the church has the right, even the
obligation, to bear testimony of Jesus Christ to his friends." Robert D. Hales
a. Members invite neighbors/FTM investigators over for meal or cookout.
b. After first meal, invite again and have someone from WMG present.
c. Emphasis on ward activities so members can invite neighbors & HT/VT families.
d. Missionary Fireside/Open House twice a year (invite investigators/members) have guest speaker.
e. Church Tours/Cottage Meetings
f. WMG will follow up on referrals & seek referrals from members.
g. WMG will visit 4 families per week to update member missionary plans.

3. Retain New Converts - track progress by name in PEC & Ward Council Meetings
a. EQP or HPGL assigns a HT before baptism day
b. RSP assigns VT before baptism day
c. HT and VT attend baptism
d. Bishopric confers Aaronic Priesthood on confirmation day
e. Bishopric extends a calling or assignment within 30 days
f. Bishopric confers Melchizedek priesthood in 60 to 90 days
g. The HPGL will help converts get names ready for Temple Baptismal Visit within 60 days.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

An Alliance That Works!

Welcome to my newest attempt to improve the communication about missionary work in the St Pete Stake. At the very first high council meeting that I attended after receiving this calling, I heard President Emery describe a comment that was made at a meeting he had recently attended. The quote was, “The Eye of the Lord Is on Florida”

As you might imagine, my soul was touched to the core by this quote. I have reflected on it many times over the past few months. As I was going over my duties as the high councilman over missionary work in the stake in the Preach My Gospel manual (I highly recommend you review your duties in there regularly as well), I read a very interesting sentence on page 217.

Under the section “What Are the Responsibilities of Stake and Ward Leaders?”, the first sentence reads, “Local Church leaders and members are your best allies.” As a result of that sentence I would like to share with you my vision statement for 2010,

An Alliance That Works!
Full-time Missionaries (Patience to Prepare)
Ward Mission Leaders (Willingness to Work)
Local Members (Expectation of Excellence)

As we come to a unity of the work, it is a true alliance that we are attempting to achieve. This will be an alliance that will allow the Spirit and the eye of the Lord to perform a marvelous work through us. At our Stake Mission Conference in January, we compiled the goals for each unit and came up with a stake goal of 160 confirmations in 2010. The breakdown is as follows:

Seminole – 30
Hudson – 25
Spanish – 24
Clearwater – 24
St Pete – 20
Palm Harbor 16
Gulfport – 15
YSA – 6

As the full-time missionaries have the patience to prepare, and ward mission leaders have the willingness to work, I know we will see our expectation of excellence of the local members become a reality, not just a vision. I encourage you to stay tuned for weekly blogs and please share your thoughts or ideas with everyone as we strive to create...“An Alliance That Works!”